Cascade’s Approach to Policy

Our approach to public policy is evidence-driven, pragmatic, and non-partisan. We advance policy that will accelerate innovation, unlock new opportunities for project financing, and create regulatory frameworks needed to responsibly advance natural climate interventions.

Policy Priorities

Our policy priorities are shaped by the specific considerations of each intervention that we work on, but our driving purpose remains to address obstacles and break down system-level bottlenecks to progress. Several of our primary policy efforts across the U.S. and European Union include:

  • ERW RD&D: We’re advocating for increased public funding for ERW research, development, and demonstration in annual funding and agricultural research legislation, including the U.S. Farm Bill.
  • Government CDR Procurement: Governments will need to become one of the biggest buyers and supporters of CDR. We’re educating policymakers on how ERW and other carbon removal pathways can fit within government procurement programs.
  • ERW Pay-for-Practice: We’re building a shared understanding of the role that government subsidies and pay-for-practice programs can support early-adopters of ERW, starting with USDA Conservation Practice Standards.
  • EU CRCF: As a precedent-setting supply-side regulation, the EU Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Regulation (CRCF) will help set standards for carbon quantification best-practices across CDR pathways. We’re working to ensure ERW is included in the EU CRCF process.

Government Engagement

Cascade provides policy support and advice through responses to formal calls for public comment across various jurisdictions.

Cascade also participates in formal government advisory groups and consortiums including:
  • U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Consortium
  • U.S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Mineralization CDR Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Collaborative
  • U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Standardized Carbon Removal Offtake Agreement Advisory Board

Next Horizons

In addition to our ongoing US and European Union ERW efforts, we are beginning to engage in other geographies that have high potential to accelerate ERW, including in Brazil and India, and are exploring the role that policy can play in advancing adjacent fields, including river and ocean-based carbon dioxide removal.
